
Connie Bell-Dixon School of Metaphysics

Connie Bell-Dixon has helped many people develop their intuitive, mediumship (talking to spirits) and healing skills over the past 8 years. She teaches many classes which can help you progress on your spiritual quest. Her full class list is available on Please also visit The Lansdale/Philly Psychic Development Group to see the current schedule.

Back to School Coaching

Coaching for kids over Skype. Helping them deal with the stress of going back to school.

Money Map

This is a power point presentation of what is called a "Money Map." It helps you understand your relationship to savings, debt, income, income goals and toxic money. Looking at these things can bring clarity to money patterns. The energy technique EFT can help change those patterns for the better.

Twin hearts Meditation

This is a guided meditation to bring love and healing to the earth. It comes from Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. I learned it from watching the full moon celebrations each month, along with an esoteric teaching, by Master Steven Co on the website

Pat Metzger

Rosemary Augustine

Fear of Wealth 2

emotions about money


Video message to send to people on my business mailing list

Website Intro

Intro to Transformation coaching with Delia Nessim.

My Jeunesse Movie

My website video about Jeunesse global.

Tapping Points